The People of Jamam Refugee camp

Names: Ninora Manual (R) 30 years. Njidola Gajy (L) 3 years.

Age: 30 years and 3 years.

From: Adar, South Sudan.

Why are you here: To get the doctors to look at the rash on my daughter's head.

Name: Hala Adam.

Age: 5 years.

From: La Balatin, Sudan.

Why are you here: I have been here for five months. I fled the war in Sudan. I walked one week to get the refugee camp.

Name: Insali Awad

Age: Unknown.

From: Uran, Sudan.

Why are you here: Five months ago I fled the war in Sudan. I walked for one week to get to the refugee camp. Today I am at the clinic to see to my grandchild who suffers from diarrhea.

Name: Sabar Omar ( L ) and Toma Adam ( R).

Age: Sabar: unknown. Toma: 2 years.

From La Balatin, Sudan.

Why are you here: We fled the war in Sudan. We walked for 15 days to get to the refugee camp. To day we have been here for 4 months.

Name: Jabriel Steven.

Age: 19 years.

From: Maban, South Sudan.

Why are you here: I have been here for three months. I works as a translator for the doctors and nurses in the clinic.

Name: Yomjima.

Age: 25 years.

From: Iyou, Sudan.

Why are you here: I have been here for a year. My family and I fled the war in Sudan. Now I spends 24 hours a day next to my mother at the clinic. She has hepatitis E and cannot be treated. We have been at the clinic for five days. The rest of my family is in the refugee camp.

Name: Um Jima Jakum ( L ) and Haua Jakum (R).

Age: 9 years and 8 weeks.

Why are you here: I ( Um Jima) fled the war in Sudan with our mother. She arrived at the clinic with high fever eight weeks ago, when she would give birth. Immediately after birth she went into a coma and died. Doctors believe the she suffered from hepatitis E. Approximately one out of five women who come to the clinic to give birth die because of hepatitis E. Our grandmother is the last one left to take care of us.

Name: Istifanus Chindong Damulak.

From: Jos, Nigeria.

Why are you here: I work as a pediatrician for Doctors without Borders